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Against a brutish Lack of Humour


Ordensritter 2004: Henning Scherf, Bürgermeister von Bremen, (c) AKVThere is no doubt that, as far as the media are concerned, the Order against a brutish Lack of  Humour (Orden wider den tierischen Ernst ) is one of the most effective expressions of the spirit of the Aachen Carnival. It is the only order that is awarded not for something, but against something. Every year it is conferred on a personality in public life who, while combining the qualities of individuality, popularity and wit, has carried out his duties with humour and humanity. It is, moreover, a cultural prize. How come? The answer can be found plainly stated in the Guide to Cultural Prizes: "It is the aim of the people of Aachen to use humour as a means of giving politics a more humane image. This we consider to be a cultural act."
The section on the Aachen Carnival Society gives more information on the history of the Order.