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Aachen has much to offer in respect of quality of life! The city has a flair and atmosphere of its own. The attractive layout of the old city centre, the important historic monuments, the wells and baths over the hottest natural springs in Europe, the bustling activity in the streets and squares, the cultural diversity and quality and the many recreational and leisure activities make Aachen an exciting and pleasing whole. The Carolus-Therme is one of the most modern and attractive thermal baths in Europe. Besides the presentation of the International Charlemagne Prize, the major annual events include the presentation of the Carnival Award "The Antidote to Deadly Earnest", the Aachen Peace Prize and the Aachen Innovation Award. Nor should we forget the CHIO International Horse Show in the Soers region and the events of the AachenSeptemberSpecial.

Would you like to know what is happening in Aachen today, next week or next month? You will find our Calendar of Events helpful.

You will find all the major events of the town under Highlights. For practical reasons you will also find special programs under this heading.

You will find further tips under Current Information or more cultural Up-to-date-Information in German.