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Future Lab Aachen


All of Aachen’s colleges and the City Council are pulling together to promote Aachen as a science and research location

It’s a fact! Now more than ever, Aachen is not just a city of tradition but also of innovation. You just need to look at the sheer volume of the city that is devoted to science and research to see that this is true. The Campus Melaten and its new university buildings, along with the branch establishments of partners from industry, form a whole new district of the city, one that is almost the size of the old town centre.

Universities, Fraunhofer-Institutes and the R&D divisions of commercial enterprises: Aachen ticks to the rhythm of its colleges. To draw attention to and acknowledge this fact, the RWTH Aachen University, the FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, the Aachen Catholic University of Applied Sciences (KatHO NRW), the Aachen Conservatory and the City of Aachen have created “Future Lab Aachen”: an umbrella brand that, using familiar and novel formats, unites the large and small campaigns and events on the theme of science.
