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Let's face the fact: if you didn't grow up speaking it, you're going to have problems with Aachen's "Öcher Platt" dialect. But don't throw in the towel. Nobody's going to discourage you from trying to learn Aachen's curious patois.
Beginners can get to grips with the subject matter in a variety of ways. For example, you can join a guided tour of the Town Hall given in Öcher Platt, or attend a Carnival meeting, or go to a performance of Aachen's legendary puppet theatre, the "Öcher Schängche". If you're lucky, you might get the chance to exchange a few words with one of the "Thouet Dialect Prize Winners" – or to listen to the renowned master of Öcher Platt: Hubert Crott, a.k.a. "Jüppchen"...
Photo: Stadt Aachen
Dat woer jar net esue schleäht. Listen
[German: "Das war gar nicht so schlecht." Meaning: "That was really good!" (Öcher speakers are not particularly generous when it comes to giving praise.
Wenn et net reänt, da dröppt et. Listen
[German: "Wenn es nicht regnet, dann tropft es." This has nothing to do with rain. What it means is that less can still be more than enough.]
Ich han et Hazz av. Listen
[German: "Ich habe das Herz ab." Meaning: "I can't stand it any longer."]
Du kleids en e Höddelche. Listen
[German: "Du kannst anziehen, was du willst, du siehst immer gut aus." Meaning: "You can wear anything you like. You always look great!"]
Dat es ene jlatte Jrosche. Listen
[Das ist ein glatter Groschen: Meaning: "He's/she's a slippery character."]
Ochhärrm. Listen
[An expression of condolence, sympathy]
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